sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

How do you use Blog as a tool for teaching?
I would use this tool (the Blog) in my teaching, by creating a blog where I can keep my students updated in my class area where I put challenges or games that challenge them mentally stimulated by merit or qualification, stimulating their creativity and desire to investigate and deepen topics. I could also challenge them to create their own blog, to make it popular, creative and interesting to the intellect, to motivate drive innovation and future employers as well.

It allow us to express our thoughts and opinions and interact with others about something we are interesting in, it also work as a source of information about everything you prefer, even works to promote your business. 


What it does:
A personal publishing tool that means any individual or group can publish on the web and receive feedback from others. Plug-ins enables you to embed resources such as images, YouTube videos and Slideshare presentations

Example of software: Word press, Blogger